BMW Group Scientific Award 2003

Annual award funded by the BMW Group to recognize outstanding theses, dissertations, and final academic projects in areas related to the prize theme. For 2003, the prize theme is "Passion for Innovation."
Open to all fields, as long as the work is related to the theme. Medicine, law, natural science, engineering, information technology, humanities, social science, and economics are all eligible.
This is an international, interdisciplinary research prize available to applicants in any country who expect shortly to obtain an academic degree. There is no citizenship requirement. Theses and final projects submitted for prize consideration must have had academic review between January 1, 2001 and February 28, 2003. Selection criteria include the degree of innovation, depth of research, relevance to real-life practice, and benefits to society and the environment.
BMW has set aside a total of $66,000 in prize money for the winners of the Scientific Award in 2003. The jury decides how this sum will be allocated among winners.
March 10
<>  See Web site for complete details of application process. Inquiries may be sent to Martina Marzy at <>.