- Ford Foundation: Predoctoral
Fellowships for Minorities
- Annual fellowship awards to increase the presence of
under-represented minorities on the nation's college and university
faculties, to enhance diversity on campus, and to address the
persistent effects of past discrimination. The Ford Foundation supports
minority doctoral scholars in professions with long-standing
- Behavioral sciences; literature & languages; history,
philosophy, & religion; social sciences; life sciences; chemistry;
earth sciences; physics & astronomy; engineering, mathematics, and
computer sciences.
- U.S. citizens from the following minority groups: Native American
Indian, Alaskan Native (Eskimo or Aleut), Black/African American,
Mexican American/Chicano, Native Pacific Islander (Polynesian or
Micronesian), and Puerto Rican. Must be registered full-time in a
research-based doctoral program (Ph.D. or Sc.D.).
- $17,000 stipend per year for 3 years of fellowship tenure. The
Ford Foundation makes a contribution to tuition expenses; Cornell
covers the balance of tuition as well as the premium for the student
health insurance program.
- November 19
- <http://national-academies.org/fellowships>
Complete information and application materials available on line. Or
contact: Fellowship Office, GR 346A, National Research Council, 500
Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001. Telephone: 202-334-2872.
FAX: 202-334-3419. E-mail: <infofell@nas.edu>.