- U.S. Department of Energy
(DOE): Computational Science Graduate Fellowship Program
- Annual award to encourage the training of computational
scientists by providing financial support to talented graduate students
in applied sciences and engineering with applications in
high-performance computing.
- Sciences using computational science methods, including physical
sciences, engineering, mathematical sciences, and life sciences.
Fellows are expected to take substantive graduate coursework in a
scientific or engineering discipline, in computer science, and in
applied mathematics.
- U.S. citizens and permanent residents who are doctoral students
in their first or second year of full-time study at a U.S. university.
- Payment of institutional tuition and fees plus a 12-month stipend
of $28,000. Additional funds are available to cover specific needs. The
fellowship is awarded for one year (September through August) and may
be renewed 3 times, for a total of 4 years of support.
- January 15
- www.krellinst.org/csgf
On-line applications available. Or, contact the CSGF coordinator, Krell
Institute, 1609 Golden Aspen Drive, Suite 101, Ames, IA 50010. E-mail: csgf@krellinst.org Telephone:
515-956-3696. FAX: 515-956-3699.