Corroborating Statements by Faculty

“Dr. Majdalani has demonstrated that he is, and will continue to be, an excellent teacher. He proved to be one of the best, if not the best, teachers in our department at Marquette University. I base this evaluation on his student evaluation (SCOT) scores which were the highest in the department, comments by graduating students taken from the department’s student exit survey and my personal peer review of his teaching. He was very popular with the undergraduate students in our department.”

Dr. Nicholas J. Nigro, Professor and Director of the Graduate Program, Mechanical Engineering, Marquette University 


 “Dr. Majdalani is the best teacher in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.  This is because he not only has received the highest SCOT scores in the Department, but also he receives superlative scores on the Exit Questionnaire that is filled out by graduating seniors.  In addition, I received feedback from the UW (University of Wisconsin) Extension Center that stated that some students (who were not from Marquette University) felt he was the best teacher in their entire career.”

Dr. Vikram Cariapa, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Marquette University


“Joe has earned a well deserved reputation for excellence in teaching and service in our college.  He has participated in the Freshman Engineering program for several years by introducing our students to the field of Mechanical Engineering, instructing students in constructing logbooks and notebooks for their classes. This material is always of immense benefit to our students as well as faculty who eventually benefit from our students organization. Joe has also contributed to several Open Houses in our college that become major recruiting platforms for our college enrollment efforts.  Over the past three years I have had an opportunity to evaluate the true effectiveness of Dr. Majdalani’s teaching abilities.  During two separate years Joe has supervised Ph.D. candidates who have been given teaching responsibilities in his department.  On these two separate occasions students came to me and complained of the teaching abilities of these individuals.  As a matter of course, I informed Joe of the problem and asked him to look into the situation.  In the case of both of these incidents, students eventually reported that the teaching had turned around completely.  In one of the cases students had high praise of the teacher and indicated that Dr. Majdalani had helped immeasurably with the whole situation.  I can’t think of higher praise to this individual. Dr. Majdalani is well liked by his students, including his graduate students who have particular praise for his mentorship.”

Dr. Jon K. Jensen, Associate Dean, College of Engineering, Marquette University