Excerpts of student comments

Auburn University

Perturbation Methods

Perturbations is absolutely the best course I have ever taken in my career. I have never felt so confident in my math skills than I do now. The structure of the course, the length and difficulty of the exams and homework, the delivery of the instructor, the preparedness and organization...everything about this course is what I wish every course was like. Any professor, experienced or not, would learn a thing or two about teaching a course from Dr. Majdalani. Perhaps he should teach a course about teaching courses to the department. This class was HANDS DOWN the best college class I have ever taken.

Excellent class. The pacing of the material was perfect, the homework assignments were given out at the right times and Maj was more than happy to give us a few days extra on assignments when needed.

Best Teacher I have ever had during my time as an undergraduate student.

The professor's enthusiasm for the material made me more interested and made the class more enjoyable.

Dr. Majdalani was very enthusiastic and really involved into the subject and to lightened the class by telling interesting jokes and stories related to the teaching material which made the course even more interesting.

Fundamentals of Aeroacoustics

I have great respect for the ability of the professor to teach effectively and return graded assignments promptly considering his duties as department head.

I thought this course was well structured throughout the semester. I appreciate it when the professor is most concerned about the student's passion/understanding of the material in a course and believe that to have been the case for this course. I can't say there are any adjustments I would make to the course at this time... The work expected of us was clearly defined and the testing and grading for the course I thought was very fair.

Aerodynamics III

With only one more semester left until Graduation, I can say that this has been my favorite Aerospace Engineering class here at Auburn! Dr. Majdalani's enthusiasm for the material is contagious, as it motivated me to work even harder and gain a genuine grasp of the material. I fully appreciate how intellectually challenging this class was (that's what I signed up for), and the availability of both Langston and Dr. Majdalani outside of class made it easy to get answers to questions. Also, Dr. Majdalani's expertise in this field provided for some interesting homework problems and in-class examples. I feel really smart walking around with the Blasius Solution and the Derivation of the Navier-Stokes Equations in my notes. War Eagle to the Maji!


The University of Tennessee

Teaching Evaluation Forms


·         Fall 2003:  AE 690B Advanced Topics in AE: Advanced Perturbation Methods

·         Spring 2004:  ME 581 Rocket Propulsion I

·         Fall 2004:  AE 690B Advanced Topics in AE: Advanced Perturbation Methods

·         Fall 2005:  ME 599 Special Topics in ME: Perturbation Methods

·         Spring 2006:  AE 690B Advanced Topics in AE: Advanced Perturbation Methods

·         Fall 2006:  ME 581 Rocket Propulsion I

·         Spring 2007:  AE 561 Fundamentals of Aeroacoustics


Q26. Would you recommend this course/instructor to another student?

  1. It is an interesting course and I would recommend it to every grad student as Perturbation Theory can be applied to any subject. If not as a course for an aero or fluid dynamicist, as a Math course, this can be a useful one.  Dr. Majdalani is a good professor. His classes are very interesting. One must take this course to know what enthusiasm feels like.
  1. Both, the course will be useful for all students. The professor is motivated and well organized.
  1. This course is helpful for advanced theoretical research in aerospace engineering.
  1. I will recommend because of the vast application of the course.
  1. Yes, Dr. Majdalani is a pleasant person to be around. He has great teaching ability and is very knowledgeable.
  1. The course only to AE students. The instructor to everyone. AE students will appreciate rocketry more than Phys. or Math. majors.  The professor gives easy to understand step by step notes.
  1. Yes, it was a very good intro to the broad field of rocketry, and Dr. Majdalani is an excellent professor, and the guest professor brought in was also very informative for a different range of topics.
  1. Yes, Aeroacoustics is important for ME/AE.
  1. Yes, I would recommend this course to another student.
  1. Yes. Improves analytical skills. Usually a course not taught often, so if the chance is present, take it.  Good instructor to an area that is not covered too often.

Q27. What impact, if any, did the class size and/or the room have on the effectiveness of the teacher?

None.  I can’t figure out any. None.  None.  One-to-one interaction was possible.

Smaller class was easy to handle. Small class size was good.  Good.

Q28. Please list any suggestions to improve the effectiveness in the teaching of this course.

1.      It will be nice if we are assigned challenging problems for homework but as extra credit.

2.      Paul Gloyer’s view from a design aspect was also very interesting.

3.      Make sure students obtain correct Text edition.


Marquette University

Student Commentary on Teaching (SCOT)

Typed and authenticated by Ms. Kathleen Floris, Mr. Ben Horonzy, Mr. Michael J. Leinauer, and Mrs. Amelia G. Wells.  Inspected by Department Head


MEEN 119 Section 1002, 2002: Combustion

The material was difficult but the course was so well taught that I finished with a good understanding of the inner-workings of a rocket.  The lectures were concise and Prof. Majdalani was eager to help.

Dr. Majdalani’s superior command of his chosen subject matter is stimulating.  His vibrant personality and enthusiasm keeps students interested as well as intrigued.  It is very rare that students come across a professor with superior intelligence, a sense of humor and a wealth of personal experiences that is shared with the intent to motivate students and thinkers and the disseminators of information. 

Very clear.  Easy to understand.

Dr. Majdalani is a highly motivated person and passes this motivation to his students.  He knowledge of the subject is unmatched by any professor I have had.

This course has been fascinating and Dr. Majdalani is the best professor I’ve had to date.

The instructor is very knowledgeable of the material and brings in a lot of real world applications and experiences.  Sometimes I feel too much class time is used as marketing for graduate school.  Instructor did a good job of pointing out mistakes in textbook.

This class is well-suited as a senior elective.  An excellent capstone with both practical and theoretical applications.  Dr. Majdalani’s presentation and teaching skills are without match in the entire university.  I enjoyed the experience very much.  Dr. Majdalani is a superior instructor and mentor.

Dr. Majdalani is an excellent professor.  When he teaches he shows his excitement and love for the material.  I had Dr. Maji for four classes to date.  The reason I go out of my way to take his classes is that he holds my attention like no other professor.  Yet, he does not do this at the expense of the material.  He is very task oriented and dives into the material.  Thank you!


MEEN 108 Section 1002, 2002: Heat Transfer

I always appreciate any course taught by Dr. Majdalani.  Thanks again for a great course.

Dr. Majdalani is the best teacher I have ever had.

Majdalani is an excellent professor. He takes a potentially uninteresting and complex subject and makes it fairly interesting and understandable.

Dr. Majdalani obviously has a great command of the subject of heat transfer.

Dr. Majdalani is an excellent teacher.  He motivates the students.  The material is taught in an organized manner.  He is definitely the best teacher I have had at Marquette University.

Thanks for being one of the best teachers I have had at Marquette.

Your attitude and enthusiasm really make me want to come to class and learn about heat transfer.  Thanks for all your hard work.

Very intelligent, caring person.

Dr. Majdalani is one of the best profs. in the dept.

Dr. Majdalani was a very good teacher.  He introduced the material in a clear manner.

Dr. Majdalani is one of the best teachers I have ever had at Marquette.  I feel I have learned the most in all the classes he has taught.  His exams are just incredibly fair and his homework correlates to the classwork and tests.

 Majdalani is very enthusiastic and a very effective teacher.  This has been the most enjoyable engineering course I’ve taken, despite its difficulty.

 Dr. Majdalani is the best teacher I’ve had at Marquette.  I’ve taken him for two classes now and I just wanted to let him know that I have learned more from him than any instructor at Marquette and thank you.

 Dr. Majdalani is an extremely effective teacher.  I understand thermal energy systems much more now than ever before.  I feel every student should be lucky enough to have Dr. Majdalani as a professor.

 Dr. Majdalani is the best professor I’ve ever had.

 Although I didn’t do well on the tests, I really felt I learned a lot in his class.  The book for the most part was helpful.  I do feel, however, that lab was thrown at us at the last minute, it would have been better if it was closer to the middle of the semester,

 He has superior knowledge of subject.  He knows the history behind the course, derivations, equations…exciting.  He is very fair.  Has a great sense of humor.


MEEN 108 Section 1001, 2002: Heat Transfer

I think very highly of Dr. Majdalani’s teaching method. 

 Everything was explained very well.  There were just enough examples done in class to fully understand the material.  Prepared us well for the exams.  Added humor to lectures made class interesting.

Dr. Majdalani’s enthusiasm for the subject is infectious.  He creates a relaxed atmosphere that encourages questions, yet structures his lecture that full attention is required.  He is extremely organized, and requires his students to be the same.

 The lectures were presented well, clear and concise.  The tests were a fair reflection of the homework.  You are always available for help outside of class.  Friendly.


MEEN 157/215 Section 1701, 2002: Perturbation Methods in Engineering

This is the greatest course I have taken.  Dr. Majdalani’s enthusiastic approach and true passion for perturbations have made me a true disciple.  I wish I could continue on with more studies under his instruction, so great is his skill.  Thank you, Dr. Majdalani, and best of luck with your projects.

 I found the class very stimulating and challenging.  The workload was a little heavy but well worth the effort.  I would take an advanced level class in this course if it were available.

 Dr. Majdalani was phenomenal.  He is very, very knowledgeable about perturbation methods, and he conveyed this knowledge to the students in a way that few teachers can.  He provided challenging work, yet made it quite manageable by equipping us with the tools and knowledge needed.  He incorporated his learning from research into his teaching.  I highly recommend taking any courses taught by Dr. Majdalani.

 Dr. Majdalani has the ability to both inform and engage while also helping to sharpen your mind for new rigorous challenges.  This course should be part of the core curriculum.  Thank you, Dr. Majdalani for exposing me to great new challenges.  The best course at Marquette.

 Majdalani is a great teacher.  This is my second course I have taken by him and he presents the material in such a way that anyone could understand, even someone who knows nothing about the topic.  I would recommend it with minor reservations because it is difficult and takes time, someone who truly likes him as a teacher and interested in the course would enjoy it.  I would definitely take another class offered by him.

 Dr. Majdalani is very well prepared and has a very nice layout of the lecture material.  My only complaint is the book purchased for this class was worthless.

This course is an excellent review of all the math that I have seen in my life....plus some more. The way Dr. Majdalani presents it helps me remember how and when to use this or that equation, no matter how difficult the problem. Everyone in engineering should take this course. It has helped me to finally understand most of the math that I may ever need.


MEEN 108 Section 1001, 2001: Heat Transfer

Dr. Majdalani was helpful and available anytime I needed assistance –from homework to programming to exam material.  His positive attitude towards the subject influenced me to enjoy learning.

 Dr. Majdalani is excellent.  He is the best teacher that I have ever had at MU.  He is very intelligent and does an excellent job conveying his knowledge to us.  He does an excellent job of presenting the theory.  The course was challenging but Dr. Majdalani stimulated me to do my best.  He is very charismatic. He goes the extra mile to teach more than what is presented in the text. Excellent!!!

 The course and its presentations were very interesting and informative.  Even more importantly, Dr. Majdalani motivated me to exceed expectations and pursue my academic curiosities.

–Thank You

Dr. Majdalani is thorough and effective in his presentation.  The effect is to engage the student and make him or her aspire to higher pursuits in the field.  I look forward to studying with Dr. Majdalani in the future.


ENME 151 Section 1701, 2001: Mechanics of Fluids

By far, Dr. Majdalani is the finest instructor that I have encountered at Marquette University.  His capability of teaching an incredibly difficult subject is unchallenged.  I am truly honored to have been a part of his class.

 Dr. Majdalani is extremely excited about the course.  His enthusiasm makes the course more enjoyable and his periods of humor punctuate a very dry subject.  He is always available and commits to answering questions fully.  He does not give up until the student has grasped the concept.  I believe him to be one of the more superior instructors at the university.

 Dr. Majdalani was outstanding and conveys his knowledge to the students in a clear, effective manner.  I felt that the teaching assistant did not grade the homework very carefully.  Dr. Majdalani is the best teacher that I have had at Marquette University.

 This has been the most interesting and enjoyable class that I have taken at Marquette University.  Not only that, but professor Majdalani has been the most inspiring, knowledgeable and humorous teacher that I have ever had the benefit of being instructed by.  I am looking forward to any classes in the future that may showcase his many talents.

 The most passionate and enthusiastic professor at Marquette University or any other school for that matter. He is an excellent instructor who cares about the needs of his students.  Get the cloning machine ready, we need more professors like Dr. Majdalani.

 You are an exceptional teacher.  The class is very difficult and goes into a lot of theory but that is what makes it worthwhile when it is all said and done.  This class has prepared me well for future classes.

 The only comment that I would make is that the textbook didn’t relate to the lectures very well.  The methods presented in class were much better.  I suggest professor Majdalani should write his own book.

 Enjoy class, very interesting stories!!! Extremely knowledgeable in the subject, Very intelligent.

 It was very nice to know how intelligent our instructor was.  What he has done and is doing currently in the field has helped give me confidence in what I am learning.  He was able to give interesting real world examples that helped in understanding what he was talking about.

 Professor Majdalani motivates us as students to do the best that we are able to.  His knowledge of the topics is inspiring and one cannot help but learn.


GEEN 020 Section 1001, 2000: General Engineering

Dr. Majdalani, my name is Marcin J. Kuta and I am currently a freshmen in college of engineering at Marquette. I am writing to you because I just want to thank you for giving me an inspiration to do what I want to do –

mechanical engineering. When I came to MU I was prepared to study, and I did but I only managed to do about C / B/C average, but I did not give up because of all things that you told us in the lectures. Your lecture about notes really helped too. It was a great privilege to be able to listen to you Dr. Majdalani, I will continue my education with much higher interest now than ever.

Thank you –Marcin Kuta.



ENME 151 Section 1002, 2000: Mechanics of Fluids


I learned a great deal from this course.  The concepts were easy to follow and understand due to your organized presentation and class examples.  The tests were fair enough and reflected homework.  I can tell that you are very passionate about this course.

 Dr. Majdalani sets the bar high.  I can’t wait to take another one of his classes.

 Dr. Majdalani knows the material extremely well and his assignments help us (the students) to better understand.  His tests are difficult, but fair in judging our knowledge.  He makes fluids as interesting as fluids can be.

Dr. Majdalani is an excellent teacher.  Fluids is considered one of the harder courses to grasp. Dr. M explained concepts and principles in a manner that made it very easy to learn.  He did not explain it in a way that was over our heads, but in a way that made sense.  He made Fluids enjoyable to learn.

 Good organization of topics, everything seemed to flow together.

 Very thorough and organized.

 This course is very hard, but I learned a lot from Dr. Majdalani.

 I enjoyed this class tremendously.  I like Dr. Majdalani as a professor and would definitely take a course he was teaching again.  I actually understand the material and am now confident to take the next level.

 Dr. Majdalani is an awesome professor!  The manner in which he conducts his class is interesting and very conducive to learning. Dr. Majdalani made me feel like I learned more than I would from an average class.

 He has an excellent command of the subject.

 Dr. Majdalani is one of the best professors in the school of engineering.  He is extremely knowledgeable in the subject and is very competent.  The subject matter was presented in a very clear and organized method.  He was very clear and understandable.  I feel I have a very good grasp of fluid mechanics after having taken this course.

 Dr. Majdalani is one of the most interesting and intelligent professors I have had so far.  It’s nice to have a professor who’s willing to share their real life experience related to the material being taught in the class.  I learn better when I know where it comes from and how it can be applied.  I believe that Dr. Majdalani would like everyone in his class to do well.  I have been well prepared for future classes related to this type of material.

 The most challenging I’ve taken at Marquette, but also the most fulfilling.  Passionate and skilled in art, science, and warfare; a Renaissance man.

 It was a difficult course, but Dr. Majdalani made it easy to get through.  One of the best professors I’ve had so far.


MEEN 157/215 Section 1701, 2000: Perturbation Methods in Engineering

Dr. Majdalani is the best of the best.  He is clearly of a different caliber.  Marquette University should be honored to have him.  It is a shame he is not able to teach more classes.  Thank you for everything Dr. Majdalani.

 Out of all the classes I have taken at Marquette this class was by far superior. Dr. Majdalani provided opportunities for students to try and solve problems that had never been solved before.  His mastery of the subject matter is unparalleled.  It has been most rewarding to take a class from an individual who is an expert.  I would recommend this class and Dr. Majdalani.  His teaching and extreme concern for students is a nice break from other teachers.

 Does a good job giving challenging homework (sometimes frustratingly so), but takes into consideration that it is slightly above our heads and rewards us for our effort.

 As usual, lectures are very structured for excellent note taking. 


MEEN 119/215 Section 1701, 2000: Combustion

It was a challenging course.  We covered a great deal of material while learning a lot as well.  It was very in depth and the homework and exams made sure that we knew the material.  Overall I thought that it was a great course which taught many problem solving techniques.

 I really enjoyed this class.  You are an exceptional teacher.

 Dr. Majdalani is clearly one of the best instructors in Mechanical Engineering.  This course got confusing at times.  The homework assignments and exams seemed excessive at times.  Some homework problems were very poorly worded.  You probably should have evaded these problems or spent some time in class discussing what they meant.

 Dr. Majdalani puts a lot of effort in this course and brings mathematics into this class to the most extent.  He is fair and friendly and knowledgeable about the area around this course.  He’s done an excellent job.

 More than willing to help students out of class.  One of the better instructors that I have had.

 Very good humor during class to make the time go by more quickly.  Generally, good penmanship – sometimes rare with other doctors/professors.  Good in depth look at equation development/derivation.  You are correct that take home exams make you learn considerably more than the in-class.

 The homework took a long time to do, but I believe it was necessary for the subject matter, even though the time required to do it was excessive.  The course helped me dramatically increase my understanding of combustion and the associated calculus and differential equations.

 This course challenged me more than any other at Marquette.  It is too bad that it is my last semester here, because I really developed a higher will to learn from Dr. Majdalani.

 I thought the lectures were well prepared and easily understood.  I like the fact that the take home exams were given and that those exams were made to be difficult.  From the exams and homework assignments, I learned quite a bit about the subject, and I thought that the challenge of completing the assignments made the class worthwhile.  The assignments allowed us to use a lot of material taken from other courses and apply them to combustion (computer programming, heat transfer, thermodynamics, etc.).


ENME 151 Section 1001, 2000: Mechanics of Fluids

Dr. Majdalani was hands down one of the top two professors I’ve had at Marquette.  He was the only professor available for help Saturday night at 9 PM in his office.


Dr. Majdalani’s command of the subject of fluids is exceptional.


Well organized and prepared.

Gave ample amount of real world examples to convey ideas of Fluid Mechanics.

Topics and ideas were used in other courses.


This course probably has some of the most advanced theories and developments of any in the College of Engineering, however due to the excellent presentation and explanation I feel that I have a very good grasp on the topics covered.


He is very knowledgeable in the subject and made class very interesting.


Dr. Majdalani is incredibly enthusiastic about the subject of Fluid Mechanics that you are automatically excited along with him.  He has excellent command of the subject and very much wants to help everyone understand.


The subject matter was presented in an easily understood format.  Material could have been more difficult if it was presented in a different manner.  All things said, excellent teacher and class.


ENME 151 Section 1002, 1999: Mechanics of Fluids

Dr. Majdalani is by far the best instructor that I have had in my years at Marquette.  His knowledge of the material is excellent, his ability to teach is superior, and his enthusiasm and passion for what he does is unmatchable. Dr. Majdalani is always willing to help –even on holidays– and is committed to helping his students gain a strong foundation in the subject matter at hand.  I would like to thank him for a great semester.

 Dr. Majdalani is the best professor I’ve had in my three years.  He really motivates you to achieve the highest possible success.

 He has clearly been the best teacher I have ever had.  His command of the subject is unreal.  The way he handles issues regarding class notebook and his website is very professional.

 Dr. Majdalani is an amazing and effective professor.  Not only does he love his students, he is exceptional in his field.  He is a master of all he does.  A great role-model.  I’d like to emulate his character.

 Dr. Majdalani is probably my favorite professor that I have taken to date.  He displays complex subject matter in as understandable fashion.  In most classes I don’t always understand derivations, but in this class they were clear and well explained.  I enjoyed this class and learned a good foundation of fluid knowledge.

 Dr. Majdalani is one of the most well prepared and organized professors I have ever had.  At times his class presentation can be difficult to grasp, but it always prepares the students for its application.

 He obviously knows what he’s talking about and presents it in a very clear and organized manner.  He is a very fair grader and a good teacher.

 Class was a lot of hard work, but was still enjoyable.  Very lighthearted classroom atmosphere.  More calculus then I’ve had to do in any class previous.

 I enjoyed the way he described the “how’s and why’s” behind the subject material we were learning.  Gave us a good real world and useful way of doing things.

 Dr. Majdalani is clearly in command of this subject.  It seems like he could teach it in his sleep or while playing basketball or something.  What a great mind he has.

 Dr. Majdalani teaches with much energy and vigor.  With this energy he makes you want to learn the material as well as he does.  Great class.

 I was very impressed with this class.  All the material was presented very clearly and organized, and very understandable.  It was not easy material, but Dr. Majdalani’s method and teaching made it very understandable.  Tests were very fair and all the material on the web was great to have.  I really enjoyed this class and know what I learned will be very useful.

Dr. Majdalani delivers the material in a very effective way.  I got a lot out of the lectures.  I often used my notes from class to help me with the homework that was assigned.

 Dr. Majdalani has the unique combination of having complete knowledge in fluid mechanics while presenting the subject in an understandable and sometimes humorous way.  I really enjoyed the class.

 Dr. Majdalani is clearly superior in the field of fluid mechanics.  He is probably within the top 3 of the best professors I’ve had at Marquette.  His organization is worthy of commending.  He concentrates on mathematical models a little too much because it doesn’t interest me, but nevertheless he did an exceptional job at presenting the material.  I wish Dr. Majdalani were a Civil Engineering professor so that I could take more courses from him.  Marquette needs to keep Dr. Majdalani for as long as he’ll stay in Milwaukee.


ENME 119/215 Section 1702, 1999: Rocket Propulsion

Dr. Majdalani’s wealth of knowledge that he shared with the class is more than I ever expected at Marquette.  I’ve never had an instructor so enthusiastic about a subject that he also engaged in.  It has been a real treat to sit in such a great professor.

 This class ruled.  It was interesting, a nice change of pace to get to try something out of the ordinary.

 Dr. Majdalani knows a lot about rockets and relates this well in class.  It was a very enjoyable class and I had a lot of fun this semester.

 Dr. Majdalani is one of the best professors in the school of mechanical engineering.  If you understand the material and work hard you will get a good grade.  He is straight forward and makes learning easy.

 Dr. Majdalani will go to any extent to make sure he is understood in class.

 Very accessible and engaging.  Some of the math and thermodynamics were beyond my capability.  Overall, very enjoyable course and instructor.  Excellent command of subject.

Good class and good presentation of the subject by the professor.  Enjoyed this semester a lot.

Confidence.  Friendly and warm.  Smiles a lot. 


ENME 157/215 Section 1701, 1999: Perturbation Methods in Engineering

This is the second for which, I’ve had the pleasure of having Dr. Majdalani teach me.  In my five years at Marquette I have come to the conclusion that he is by far the best professor in the Mechanical Engineering department, and probably in the College of Engineering.  His attitude towards the courses he teaches and the way he presents the lectures make it very enjoyable material.

 This has been a very interesting course with numerous merits.  I have learned so much and my confidence in my mathematical skills has increased greatly.  Dr. Majdalani is a fantastic instructor who is extremely enthusiastic about his teaching and very caring towards his students.  He is probably the best instructor that I’ve had at any level or course during my education.  It has truly been an honor to be in his class and learn from an expert in his field of research.

 Perturbation methods is a good course.  Dr. Majdalani is very knowledgeable.  The methods are very time consuming but exposure to them is very valuable especially to a well-rounded engineering curriculum.  I also found the use of differential equations to be not only a review but I gained a better understanding of differential equations as well.  My knowledge of differential equations was weak even though I took MATH 083.

 I thought this was by far the best class I have taken in my college career.  It is an excellent way to review math and sharpen skills as an upper-classman.  Dr. Majdalani was extremely helpful outside of class.  He obviously loves what he does here.  His enthusiasm spreads to us students and motivates us to learn and do the best we can.  This should definitely be offered yearly.

 I thought that the class was a very good review of calculus and differential equations.  I have noticed since being in the class that my math skills have increased greatly.  This translated into much better grades in my other classes as well.  Dr. Majdalani presented the subject matter very clearly and was always available for help outside of class.

 Excellent teaching style.  The course material is very valuable, but difficult.  The step-by-step approach made it easy to understand.

 Dr. Majdalani is very responsible.  Whenever you ask him a question he always explains it very clearly.  He is very human and good at making students concentrate in class.  He has a very rich knowledge in the related area.

 Dr. Majdalani has, by far, more energy and knowledge than any other teacher I’ve had.  I always looked forward to coming to this class.  Example problems and materials presented were extremely straight forward.  This class I feel, will prove to be very beneficial to me in the future.  Thanks for a great semester and enjoy the summer!!

 Dr. Majdalani was an outstanding teacher.  This course could be a great asset to Marquette University.  I would like very much to see it offered once a year so many more students would get a chance to partake in it.  This has probably been the best class I have taken yet.

Nice course.  Very interesting.  Should be offered on a yearly basis.  More details during the solution of the equation, or an algorithm type paragraph to summarize the different methods would be beneficial.

 The instructor is very knowledgeable regarding this subject matter, which motivates the students.  I think this course should be offered every year, as this subject is very important in every engineering discipline.


ENME 151 Section 1001, 1998: Mechanics of Fluids

Dr. Majdalani is by far the most learned and effective teacher I have had at Marquette.  I would describe him as brilliant.  As a teacher he excels at making his knowledge available to his students and constantly challenges them to investigate class topics more in depth to prove the theory.

 Dr. Majdalani clearly demonstrates superior knowledge in this class and the field of engineering in general.  Although tests were a serious challenge, it was expected and all proper preparations for the exams was taken.  In other words, any thing expected of the students from Dr. Majdalani was clearly explained in lecture.

Dr. Majdalani has an excellent command of the subject and motivates us to learn the material very well.

 Despite being my most difficult and time consuming course to date, it has also been the most enjoyable. Dr. Majdalani challenged me in a way no other instructor has.  His presentation of the material forces you into believing you are capable and competent enough to successfully perform on your own where otherwise the material could be so overwhelming all hope would be lost. Dr. Majdalani is truly a world class instructor and an exceptional asset to Marquette.

 One of the best classes I have taken.  I give Dr. Majdalani credit for this.  He made the class interesting while being very challenging at the same time.  It was easy to learn from someone who knows the material so well.  I felt the whole class was very motivated to do well because of respect for the instructor and accepting the challenge presented.

 Dr. Majdalani really wanted us students to succeed and to know the material very well.  It was clearly apparent that he cared how we were all doing in the course, and that is a very good trait of his.  At times I felt that he was going too fast, but he motivated me when he was doing that to keep up.  I definitely spent a lot of my time on this course so that I could do well, and it was his motivation that pushed me a lot of the time.

 Professor had a lot of energy and enthusiasm for the course.  This greatly helped me to make the course/lectures fun as well as helpful to learning.  Good use of examples in class, they were very helpful when solving the homework and preparing for tests.  Although the material was difficult it was presented in such a way that it was straight forward and relatively easy to see and understand the concepts behind it.

 Techniques he taught simplified the material greatly, which helped make it easier to understand.  Sometimes he tended to go too fast, trying to fit too much into a single lecture.  He was hard but extremely fair and acknowledged hard work.

 My personal experiences with Dr. Majdalani were all helpful and insightful.  I had trouble with the first test and talked to him about the trouble I was having.  He was very responsive and on later tests I did exceptionally better.  I would recommend him as a professor to any and many of my friends.


ENME 151 Section 1003, 1998: Mechanics of Fluids

This very difficult subject was so well presented that I feel that I have comprehension. Dr. Majdalani is the best teacher I have ever had!!  He makes the course “doable”, if you do your work there is no way you’ll fail.

 Also, there is never a time when Dr. Majdalani is unavailable.  He always makes time for his students.

Overall, I enjoy this class and I think Dr. Majdalani is the best.

 Dr. Majdalani is a superior instructor.  He motivates us to study and to grasp all the materials.  Although the course in general was difficult, he makes it seem very easy and simple.  He is always well prepared and his teaching method is effective.  Two thumbs up for Dr. Majdalani.

 I was very impressed with your enthusiasm for teaching as a whole.  Also your knowledge is incredible.  I do think some of the homework assignments were quite a lot for about a week to do.  At times you did go a little fast with the material.

 Dr. Majdalani was very effective in his presentation of the material.  I learned a great deal – more than in almost all other classes.  The class was usually very interesting.

 Dr. Majdalani is an extremely competent individual.  I was very impressed by how well he knew the material.  The examples he worked on in class were very helpful in learning the subject matter.  At times the pace of the class was a bit fast, but this did not take away from the course.

 Overall I feel I learned a lot from your class.  Some of my friends have taken this course with another instructor and gotten an A but learned nothing.  Here I feel I have learned much new material.  Good job.

 Overall I happen to like his teaching style.  It is very organized and as long as you don’t fall behind very easy to follow.  I have a small problem with the grading method.  I do believe the grading average should reflect more of the average class grade instead of just increasing only those that have already done well even if the average is well below normal.  Other than that I think he is an exceptional teacher who enjoys the subject and is very knowledgeable  in the subject.


MEEN 108 Section 1001, 1998: Heat Transfer

Dr. Majdalani is one of the best professors I have taken at Marquette.  His teaching style is very straightforward and effective.  He demands a lot however, if the demands are met the material will be learned.  If I needed a question answered he wouldn’t let me leave until I understood it.

 I cannot ask for a better professor than Dr. Majdalani.  He is the best.

Dr. Majdalani is an excellent instructor who not only knows his subject well, but also knows how to teach students in an effective way.  He is an organized, clear, and interesting lecturer.

 Dr. Majdalani shows exceptional interest in his students.  He has a knack for explaining difficult ideas in simple language (excellent examples). Dr. Majdalani  is probably the best teacher I ever had at Marquette.

 Professor Majdalani is an ambitious professor who is both approachable and friendly, while also being competent and helpful.  He is a rare combination of two desirable characters in a professor.

 Excellent command of the subject.

 If I had this professor for all the engineering courses, I would have a 4.0 GPA. 

Very motivating, helpful, and great teacher.

Holds office hours 24 hours a day.

 Because I have taken this course twice, I preferred Dr. Majdalani’s style very much.  Everything was explained, straightforward, and understandable.

 Dr. Majdalani has command over the subject matter.  He is always available to help his students, whether it is during the day or at midnight.  My only complaint is that I believe he involves too much Mathematical Derivations, and expects a certain level of mathematical skill which Marquette’s math department does not always guarantee each student has.  All & all, he is an excellent professor.


ENME 151 Section 1701,1998: Mechanics of Fluids

Dr. Majdalani is the best teacher I’ve had at Marquette.  I found his course extremely interesting.  His personal experience give a great perspective into the world of fluids.  I can’t say enough good things about him.  Great job!

 Dr. Majdalani is one of the best teachers that I have had in my four years at Marquette.  He cares about the students and it shows.  At any time I knew he would be more willing to drop what he was doing and explain a subject matter to me.  If Marquette loses him they will make a huge mistake.

 This is by far one of the best courses I have taken. Dr. Majdalani is the best teacher I have had thus far, and I am a second semester junior, so I have had a few different teachers.  Teaching style and command of the subject are excellent.  Because of Dr. Majdalani I am thinking of switching from civil engineering to mechanical engineering.  Far and away he is an excellent teacher.

 Dr. Majdalani is a superior instructor.  He presented the material in a clear, concise, understandable manner that make coming to class enjoyable and profitable.

 This class was fairly difficult and time consuming; however, I learned the most in this class this semester. Dr. Majdalani was extremely efficient in introducing and covering the material in the course.

 Dr. Majdalani is certainly one of the best professors at Marquette University College of Engineering.  He is very professional in his area, and a very effective lecturer.  Also, Dr. Majdalani is readily available to help any student who needs any assistance.

 Dr. Majdalani really inspired me to study and not to be happy with a “C”.  He inspired me to try to get an “A”.  He also improved my interest in the subject (Fluids) and of engineering in general.

 Dr. Majdalani has a very high knowledge of the subject and most importantly enjoys teaching and is very good at making sure we have the same knowledge.

 You explain things very well.  Some of the homework problems were difficult to understand and correlate to the class notes.  Overall it was a great class.

 I thought you did an excellent job presenting the material.  I enjoyed class time.  I only wish we could have heard more personal stories.

 I enjoyed the consistency of teaching method and testing.  But perhaps giving out handouts to help with the homework before it’s due would help the students if they do not have time to get assistance.

 Excellent teacher and knew exactly what needed to be taught.  Moved very fast though for me.  Fair tests, but tough grader.  However, I think it was the material that made it hard.  He was very helpful and really cared.

 Very enjoyable class.  Challenging subject matter but well presented.

 Dr. Majdalani probably made the study of fluid flows about as exciting as it can be.

He is a very competent lecturer with a superb grasp of the material he teaches.

Take a vacation for crying out loud – you deserve it. 


ENME 151 Section 1001, 1997: Mechanics of Fluids

Excellent teaching skills.  What I liked most about him is he would not copy notes to the board, he had all the info in his head.  He is very knowledgeable so that he would answer any possible question in class.  Shows great concern and respect to the student.  What I liked about his approach is that any time (including 10pm – 11pm) is his office hours.  The best instructor I’ve had at Marquette in four years.

 Dr. Majdalani is the best instructor that I have encountered at Marquette.  His teaching style is unique and more effective than the text itself.  His commentary on how this class relates to other areas of engineering is also very exciting.  Overall, he is the ultimate teacher.

 This was probably the best class that I ever had.  It was very interesting and I learned a great deal.  My favorite part of the class was getting to know you outside of class.  Every time I went to see you, you taught me more than I could have ever imagined whether it was fluids or life.

 Dr. Majdalani is probably the most intelligent professor I have ever studied under.  He is confident in his knowledge, but has a calm manner which makes him easy to learn from.

  Dr. Majdalani is the smartest professor I have had at Marquette.  He was able to take a class as hard as Fluid Mechanics and make it understandable.  I wish all professors would teach and have the same positive attitude as Dr. Majdalani.  I hope I have the opportunity to have him as a professor again.

Majdalani definitely knows his fluids and he is very enthusiastic about the course.  I did horrible on the first exam and that helped motivate me through the rest of the course.  After I knew what was going on I realized that this stuff was interesting.  Majdalani’s methods for teaching the material are far better than the books.  In fact I think he should write a textbook.

 Dr. Majdalani tried the hardest to get us to learn fluids.  He went out of his way to help students with his Review Sessions outside of class (which included neat videos on rockets and other fluid applications) and his extended office hours.  He really tried to make fluids interesting and to get us “pumped up.”  His exams were all fair and he always prepared us for what to expect.  He is really a fair friendly guy with a big heart and loves his work and his students!

 Motivation is high.

Enthusiastic – instructor works up a sweat!

Willingness to help student understand – Dedication.

Excellent job

 Dr. Majdalani is very helpful and a competent teacher.  He presents the topics in a very organized manner and clearly to the students.

 The course ran pretty smoothly.  Only objection on my part is the homework assignments.  It would take 3 or 4 days to finish them.

 I thought that Dr. Majdalani was always very helpful in answering questions outside of class, and he was very easy to talk to about any problems involving the course.

 The homework seemed very difficult and often took a long time to do, but it was necessary to understand the material.  At first Dr. Majdalani seemed to be a little downgrading because of his supreme knowledge, but talking to him several times I found out that he is deeply concerned for the students and truly wants to help them do well in all aspects of life.  I enjoyed the class overall and would take him again for another class.  He is a very tough, but very excellent teacher.  We should have more like him at MU.

 Dr. Majdalani’s knowledge and enthusiasm of fluids made the students want to learn!

 I think that Dr. Majdalani’s performance is superior and it met the standards of my expectations.  I wish all professors were like Dr. Joseph Majdalani.

 I appreciate the time and concern that he gave the students.  He expected a lot, but it made me a better student. 

 This was one of the only classes this semester where I felt highly motivated.  The professor’s enthusiasm for the subject was always evident.  Although the material was challenging, it was always presented in a way that could be understood and learned.

 Always available to reach for help.  Tests sometimes had too much “spice.”

 I really enjoyed the class.  I think a difficult subject was made palatable and I’m impressed.  Almost overly arrogant, but I suppose it gave credibility.  Good job.

 I think that a well-balanced schedule was put together for this class.  He was always available for office hours and help.  The idea of a notebook is a very good idea and the grading policies are just.  However, I think the weekly homeworks were a bit excessive for the number of credit hours received.  Also, sometimes he seemed a bit out of it during lecture and/or office hours due to personal matters.

 Always helpful in answering any questions a student has.  Readily available in his office which was good for last minute questions.

 This class was very interesting and I learned a lot this semester.  Class was enjoyable and the material was interesting and challenging.  Dr. M is one of the best teachers I have ever had.

 Dr. M was very knowledgeable in his field.  He was helpful and available for help at almost any time.  He expected a lot and had a heavy workload requirement, but was around more than any other professor when it came to office hours and being around for help.  Though the class was hard and quite time consuming, I would take him again if I had the opportunity.

 He is very ambitious and seems to love what he is teaching.  He always wants to excel and be the best!

He made a difficult subject easier to understand.  Very knowledgeable on the subject matter.  Very caring and interested in the well-being and improvement of each student.


ENME 151 Section 1002, 1997: Mechanics of Fluids

I believe Dr. Majdalani to be one of the best professors I’ve had so far.  His presentation of the material is logical and clear and he’s very excited when teaching.

 The best teacher I’ve had this semester.  I did very poorly on tests, but you still had confidence in my ability.  Thank you for your time and considerable effort.  We all appreciated the attention you gave us as students.

 Shows extreme care for the students and devotes a lot of outside time to helping students.  Really enjoyed the class and all the helpful hints to succeeding later in life.  He is very knowledgeable and able to teach concepts on our level very well.

 Dr. Majdalani is a great professor.  It is very easy to ask questions and to get help outside of class.  A very friendly and warm guy.

 Very knowledgeable teacher. Has good teaching skills.  Is very helpful to students who want help.

Very interesting material with a highly motivational teacher.

I went to class knowing it was difficult, however Dr. Majdalani did such an incredible job with explanation and preparation that, even though I had not done as well as I had liked, he made me enjoy the class.  Thanks, Dr. Majdalani.

 Knows the subject very well.  Could probably teach it to anyone.  I enjoyed the class a lot.

 Dr. Majdalani brought me in after the first test which I failed miserably, with others who did likewise, and offered any help needed and described his evaluation of our performance and his estimate of how we would do, Plus Fluids video.  Any help (e.g. Calc, Diffy Q’s) needed was offered.

Without all the numerous assignments I would not have passed this class.

Was in office answering questions past midnight repeatedly.

Class time is always chalkfull of material.  Dr. Majdalani is an asset to this Department, College, and University.  He quite practically made me want to be a mechanical engineer.  Every College and professor in the nation could benefit from his methods and ideology.


ENME 151 Section 1002, 1997: Mechanics of Fluids

Joe, you did a fantastic job.  You took a very deep care for your students needs.  You were always there for help and that help was fantastic.  Sometimes in class it was a little hard to follow what you were doing through the derivations.  My advice there would be not to fly through all the calculus.  The example problems that you did were extremely helpful.  The coursework was challenging and made me think. 

 I thoroughly enjoyed this class.  The instructor was very helpful and always readily available if I needed help.  His grading policy was fair across the board.  I would highly recommend Dr. Majdalani to anyone who had to take fluids or chose to do so.

 You are a very good professor.  Have a good summer.

 Dr. Majdalani is a fabulous teacher who clearly understands all the material he covers.  His grasp of the subject is unmatched.

 Dr. Majdalani is an extremely dedicated teacher.  He makes topics interesting with his personal experiences.  The class and Joe’s teaching style are excellent.  I actually looked forward to classes.  The videos he enabled us to see aided the class a lot.

 I found this teacher to make this class fun and understandable.  After hearing that fluids was one of the toughest classes because of the large amount of vast info presented and the difficult nature of the material.  This teacher dispelled that fear making it clear, but still difficult.


ENME 151 Section 1001, 1997: Mechanics of Fluids

Don’t change a thing!!  This is probably the best taught course I’ve ever taken.  I learned so much from this class that it helps in many of my other classes.  All of the material was presented very clearly and effectively to the point that I can recall most of it from memory.  Concerning the instructor, Dr. Majdalani is the only instructor I’ve had at Marquette who seems to care about all of his students, not only in this particular class but in everything.  Clearly, he is one of the best teachers and mentors I’ve ever had.

Dr. Majdalani showed more concern for the students than any other teacher I’ve had at Marquette.  He was always available for his office hours and offered more than enough assistance with any questions I had.  Although he is clearly superior to us in knowledge, he made me feel like I was more on the same level.  Overall, an excellent teacher who truly cares about the well-being of the student.

 I thought the class time was always well spent and the videos were interesting.  Dr. M’s teaching style was exceptional and more teachers should model themselves after him.  If anyone had problems with the material, he was readily available and eager to help.  Overall an awesome prof.

 More often than not, the class would run longer than the allotted 50 minutes.  I did not like this and wish that Dr. M could have either stopped and continued next class period or fit in his closing thoughts before the bell.  Otherwise, it was a great, challenging course and I am happy that I took it.  I learned a lot. 

 Dr. Majdalani’s teaching style towards and command of the material presented, provided for me an inspiration to excel in his class.  Dr. M is clearly a superior professor.

 He always relates the work we do in class with real world situations.  This makes the stuff we’re studying more interesting since we know the real-world application of it. 

 Joe is an excellent teacher and a great guy.  He always has some kind of story to tell relating to class and uses good examples to get points across.  He’s pretty damn smart too. 

 Joe rocks.  His command of the subject was impressive to say the least.  He presented material in a way that made even tough subjects easy to understand.  He was very interesting and highly motivational.  I wish I had Joe for other classes. 

 You are very superior.  Keep up the great work.  Your open door policy proved to be very helpful to my understanding of the class... Don’t ever change.  Your teaching philosophy... you stand above the rest!

 Dr. Majdalani is an excellent teacher.  I had taken this course previously, but withdrew because I could not understand the material.  But, Dr. M made everything understandable and I did well in his class.  I also felt the amount of homework was adequate and the tests were fair.  Dr. M is an excellent teacher.


University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

Professional Engineering Review Course

(unsolicited comment)

Dr. Majdalani,  I wanted to take a minute to thank you for your excellent review of hydrostatics and fluid dynamics.  It is evident that you know and love this material, and your presentation was excellent.  I think you covered the material better in two two-hour sessions than I had in my entire undergraduate course!

Thank you again, –Janice Fitzgerald

Cooper Power Systems, 1900 E. North Street, Waukesha, WI  53188, (262) 547-1251 ext. 4333

 University of Utah


ME340/540/531/234 (1992–1996)

Excellent professor.

The instructor was knowledgeable, helpful, and enthusiastic.  Encouraged good performance.

The university should be thankful for such a committed professor!!

Appreciated the understanding of instructor about demands of non-traditional students.

I would like to thank Dr. Majdalani for all his effort and the knowledge he has given throughout this quarter.  He is fun also.

 I thought the class went really well.  I really liked having answers to the assignments so that I could see right away how I had gone wrong on the problems (most other times you get little or no feedback).  The teacher was enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and friendly.  He presented the material in a way that was easy to understand.  I would recommend him to a friend.

 Great instructor.

The book was very ineffective.

Excellent job.

Have teacher teach other classes.

Dr. Majdalani should teach this class on a regular basis.

 Joseph Majdalani is a great teacher. 

I think he was born with teaching abilities.

He has great knowledge of almost all engineering fields.  He is a genius.

He gives very well prepared lectures and uses the board to maximum extent possible to make things clear.

He makes sure that everybody understands the lecture.

He gives perfect notes.

Overall he is a great teacher.  I will prefer to take more courses from him.

He is a perfect engineer.

 The instructor teaches with enthusiasm and lots of energy.  I enjoyed that he clarified concepts that have been unclear for a long time.  He does this through his clear straight forward examples.  He speaks well.  Good sense of humor.  I enjoyed the class.

 Very smart instructor.  Very generous and fair.

Mr. Majdalani is one of the clearest professor I’ve had.  I hope to have him again as a teacher.

Well prepared class.  Knew the material and presented the lectures in a good manner.  Very easy going and helped develop a further understanding with the material than was required by the course.

 Course helped my programming skills a lot.  Instructor was very helpful and showed how things related to real life. 

Clearly one of the best experiences I’ve has on this campus.  Dr. M is articulate, motivated, and outstanding with the communication of abstract concepts with clarity and lucidity.  I am a very average student, but I have learned things I have never even contemplated as questions.  I have stretched my programming skills.  Now as a result of this class, I can see a way to use these tools to improve my understanding of virtually any engineering discipline.  If Joe taught Math 101, I would sign up because I know without any doubt I would learn new and better ways to think.  That is worth any cost to me.  All the students love this guy.  I hope I have the opportunity to take more classes from Dr. Majdalani.

 Knowledgeable on subject.  Excellent ability to convey subject material to class in lecture. 

 Joseph Majdalani is an excellent teacher.

 Although homework was time consuming, flexible due date made it good.  I have a much better grasp on programming now, and my overall computer literacy also went up dramatically. 

 Mr. Majdalani is an excellent teacher.  He makes it easy to learn.

 Works well with students to answer individual problems.

 Dr. Majdalani is a very committed instructor.  He is enthusiastic and very interesting.  He is extremely dedicated in grading and returning projects and tests promptly.  This university should be thankful to have such a solid professor.

 I would like to thank Mr. Majdalani for all his efforts and everything he gave during this quarter in order to give as much knowledge to the students.  I have enjoyed every single class I had with him and I hope I can be able to be his student in the upcoming quarters.  He is a knowledgeable instructor whom I have enjoyed all the material I had with.

 This has been the most exciting engineering class I have ever taken!  The instructor is a genius, and, in my opinion, deserves a full time teaching position.  I look forward to the opportunity to take classes from him in the future!

 Good class.  The explanations in class added to my understanding. 

 Joe explains the material well.  He gives good examples and repeats the concept if people don’t understand.

 Instructor was fully knowledgeable.  His teaching skill was excellent and made class more interesting.

 Joe is an excellent instructor, he knows the material very well.

 Instructor is very knowledgeable in subject and presentation of the material was excellent.  Homework forced students to reflect back on previous classes.

 Joe is very well prepared to teach this course and knew the material well.  He gave assignments that challenged us and communicated the material.  Very good teacher.

 Provided insightful examples for the material and was capable of simplifying very difficult concepts.  Every engineer should take the course.

 He was a very good instructor.  The material learned in this class should be very useful. 

 I enjoyed taking the class from Dr. Majdalani and thought he did a good job teaching.


Summer 1996

You are a very good teacher and I felt that I really understood the material because of the way you presented it.  In the future try to end class more on time because some of us need to go to work.  Would be nice to have some more help in the computer lab.

I really enjoyed this class.  I thought that Dr. Majdalani was a very good instructor.  The graphical explanations he gave were very helpful in understanding the different numerical methods.  If I were not graduating I would have enjoyed taking other classes from him.  The programming homework helped to improve my programming skills.

 Dr. Majdalani was a great instructor.  He really knows his stuff concerning mathematics and gave me the opportunity to refine both my mathematic skills along with my programming skills.

 Good teacher

Very helpful

Knows what he is saying and then some

Hope he teaches more courses

 Good course!  Due dates on homework was relaxed which in many cases allowed the student to revise or complete assignments and still get a good grade.  All lectures were clear and well prepared.

 Dr. Majdalani is an excellent teacher.  His knowledge of the course is impressive.  I liked how prompt and fair he was with grading.  This class is a good summer class to take, I learned a lot!

 Thank you for your lecture.  It was excellent.

 Dr. Majdalani’s teaching is outstanding.  I wish more professors taught with as much enthusiasm and attention to detail.

 Excellent instructor, had an extremely good understanding of the material covered.

 Dr. Majdalani was one of the best teachers I have ever had.  His knowledge was too good.  He knows in and out of  this course.  He also knows how to teach.

 Was very effective in doing examples and derivations, more examples would be helpful instead of going through all the derivations.  On one test a very helpful tip was given after a student had left, which left the student at a disadvantage to others. 

 Dr. Majdalani obviously worked hard to provide the class with quality instruction.  The lectures were done in an understandable and eloquent manner.  I feel the I have begun to understand the basics of this subject.  What more can a person ask for?!

Good teacher.  Has a sense of humor.

 This class was great.  He was very prepared and very fair.  He should get a teacher’s award.

 The professor presented the material in a clear and precise method.  He made the class both interesting and fun.  I liked having the answers for the assigned problems.

 Excellent instruction.

 The teacher was enjoyable to listen to.

 One of the best teachers I’ve had at the University of Utah!

 Although I am an EE major I took this class as a technical elective and I must say, during my three years at U of U I have not found an instructor as enjoyable as Dr. Majdalani.  His teaching style and methods are very effective.  I truly enjoyed taking this class.

 Dr. Majdalani’s lectures were very interesting, and the class periods seemed to go by very fast.  I thought that his test taking tips were one of  the most important things I got out of this course.  The material was also covered very thoroughly, with extras not mentioned in the text.  It would have been helpful to go over a few homework solutions in class, where the text’s solution was unclear.  But the solution manual really helped me to understand the material.

 Dr. Majdalani is one of the very best teachers I’ve had during five years in engineering.  He has excellent communication as well as technical skills.  Few teachers have shown an interest in students as he has.  I thoroughly enjoyed the class and as a result learned a great deal.  I would recommend Dr. Majdalani without hesitation.

 Working problems in class and having the solutions to the homework problems really helped me understand applications of the principles from the lectures. Dr. Majdalani was very good at explaining the concepts and principles of fluids.  He applied what he taught to engineering problems he had solved in the industry, which helped tie things together.

 Dr. Majdalani was an excellent instructor.  He was knowledgeable and well prepared.  He showed the ability to communicate the material in an effect and timely fashion.  Were I to know that he was teaching this course in the future, I would be excited to take this course.

 Thus far in my education, I have not had a professor that has stimulated me in engineering as much as Dr. Majdalani has.  He is an excellent motivator and communicator.  I think the University should give him whatever he wants to keep him here.

 Dr. Majdalani was very well prepared for his lectures and very knowledgeable.  He was extremely concerned that all topics were understood by all students and was willing to spend out of class time to help.

 This is one of the best engineering classes I have had.  The teacher explained each topic with great detail.  The course was easy to follow and understand.

 Dr. Majdalani is a great teacher.  He knows his material and is willing to put in time with the students to make sure that they understand it.

 Great instructor.

 I thought class went really well.  I really liked having the answers to assignments so that I could see right away how I had done wrong on the problems. (Most times you get little or no feedback)  The teacher was enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and friendly.  He presented the material in a way that was easy to understand.  I would recommend him to a friend.

 The book was very ineffective. 

Have the teacher teach other classes.

Mr. Majdalani should teach this class on a consistent basis.